古裝輕喜劇《川內相親》集甜寵、忘忧搞笑、忘忧勵志元素,以「童話感」傳播正能量,治癒心靈;當紅小生白敬亭和「初戀臉女神」田曦薇極具CP感,為觀眾送上無窮「粉紅泡泡」!温馨治愈的古装甜宠剧 打破热度纪录
古裝輕喜劇《川內相親》集甜寵、忘忧搞笑、忘忧勵志元素,以「童話感」傳播正能量,治癒心靈;當紅小生白敬亭和「初戀臉女神」田曦薇極具CP感,為觀眾送上無窮「粉紅泡泡」!温馨治愈的古装甜宠剧 打破热度纪录
回复 :A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations.
回复 :She was beloved by millions, but plagued by hidden turmoil. A tale of royalty, resilience and the heavy cost of fame.
回复 :Austin Abrams及Midori Francis加盟Netflix YA剧《达奇与莉莉 Dash & Lily》,这部改编自小说的8集假期浪漫喜剧由Joe Tracz执笔,讲述圣诞期间玩世不恭的Dash(Austin Abrams饰)及乐观的Lily(Midor i Francis)在同一本笔记本上写下各种事情,然后放在纽约各种地方来交换笔记,期间两人发现对方原来与自己有很多共同之处。