回复 :“连线师傅”李年是镇上远近闻名的缝尸人,某天夜半他误入荒村,缝合了一具无头女尸,竟帮九头蛇妖小梅借尸皮复活,结下人妖孽缘。自此镇上连环命案频出,被害者皆血干身瘪,死相可怖。李年夫妇不知内情,好心收留孤女小梅,她却利用李夫人的温柔善良,夜夜勾引李年,为与李年情肉相融,不惜吸魂下蛊,陷害李夫人才是食人毒蛇所化。画皮夺爱,人妖殊途,邪魅蛇姬布下情局步步紧逼,李年夫妇要如何化解危机……
回复 :A man wakes in an empty suburban house with no memory and blood smeared on his arm. As he frantically washes off the blood, he discovers that it is not his. He finds sticky notes around the house that read: "Don't stay in this room." "Don't go outside." "Don't go downstairs." Confused, he tries to follow the cryptic messages, ultimately discovering two things. Memories of a mother and daughter that he is somehow connected with, and also a demonic presence living in this suburban house. As he gets closer to solving the mystery of why he is there, the demon grows stronger, testing his will to survive.
回复 :乡村的古惑仔,乡村的江湖,和香港的江湖一样,也是红颜祸水、恩怨械斗。 正所谓,有人的地方,就有江湖。村里有人,我家的小村,也就是一个完整的江湖。 我——陈杰、妹妹——陈芳、小弟——大牛(刘坤)、红颜——彭小丽、死敌——江帆。原 因很简单,我们都喜欢彭小丽,那么就用古惑仔的办法来决定小丽的归宿吧。