回复 :Four characters with dreams passions and desires but with the fear of becoming adults in today's Mexico City. MARTIN is a young man in love with a girl he barely knows, named Cris, who has shut him out of her social networks. He wants to scream his love out to the world even if the world is trying to quiet him down. DANIEL is a musician turned into a taxi driver after he impregnated his teenage girlfriend. The day he decides to become a responsible grown up will be one of the unluckiest days of his life. DULCE is an aggressive bully in high school, but deep inside she sees herself as a nice girl who deserves to be loved and she's ready to loose her virginity with the first guy who is willing to take it. PEDRO is a boy with a disappointed view of the world of the adults, who has decided to stop speaking as a normal person and starts his own language. All of them have this irritant obstacle in common: The adults.
回复 :将1998年由实相时昭雄监督翻拍成电影的江户川乱步名作推理小说,全新翻拍的官能悬疑电影。荞荞麦面店老板在D坂迷之死亡,警察虽然判定是自杀,但是名侦探明治小五郎与其妻子文代认为是他杀,而独自展开调查。最终与事件关联的人们之间令人战栗的爱憎与激烈情欲浮出水面。由详细身 世还未公开,在周刊ポスト上连载的卷首企划[迷之美女系列 祥子的故事]中登场而备受瞩目的祥子来主演。她也会挑战刺激的湿透场景和SM镜头。
回复 :两名侦探观察了一名逃犯的前女友,但当其中一人爱上她时,情况就变得复杂起来。