改编自作家森村诚一的同名推理小说,时代此书1976年出版 隔年已故演员松田优作和女演员冈田茉莉子合演的电影版版大卖座,时代2004年也曾由竹野内丰和夏川结衣拍摄为连续剧版,但将剧中时代改为现代。此次重拍的特别剧版将维持原著70年代的设定,故事的舞台为1974年的东京,叙述知名美容家(原作和电影版为时装设计师)八杉恭子(铃木京香)举办宴会的饭店电梯内,一名被以短刀刺杀的黑人青年死亡。死前仅留下了一句不知意思为何的「斯托哈」,警视厅刑警栋居弘一良(藤原)和其团队对此案展开调查。
改编自作家森村诚一的同名推理小说,时代此书1976年出版 隔年已故演员松田优作和女演员冈田茉莉子合演的电影版版大卖座,时代2004年也曾由竹野内丰和夏川结衣拍摄为连续剧版,但将剧中时代改为现代。此次重拍的特别剧版将维持原著70年代的设定,故事的舞台为1974年的东京,叙述知名美容家(原作和电影版为时装设计师)八杉恭子(铃木京香)举办宴会的饭店电梯内,一名被以短刀刺杀的黑人青年死亡。死前仅留下了一句不知意思为何的「斯托哈」,警视厅刑警栋居弘一良(藤原)和其团队对此案展开调查。
回复 :The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — return home changed and dangerous after a tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered an attack by a mysterious force. While officials dismiss his behavior as PTSD, and order trauma therapy, Rick's wife Kate discovers her husband has been possessed by a malevolent spirit. Kate has to race against time...
回复 :After new CIA recruit, Kelley Chandler (Polish) is seriously injured during a mission, surviving only on life support, his wife Tess (Agron), a former CIA operative, becomes determined to find out what happened to her husband. As the details of Kelley's last mission unravel, showing that his accident was an inside job, Tess puts everything on the line to keep Kelley out of harm's way, even if that comes with dangerous consequences.
回复 :An old mirror from the haunted Long Island house finds its way into a photographer's family where the evil soon manifests itself to cause more terror and mayhem.