字幕A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model for a pair of beauticians who like to photograph women committing crimes.
字幕A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model for a pair of beauticians who like to photograph women committing crimes.
回复 :Ray is in the boutique simulated abduction business. It's an understandably threadbare market, so he jumps at the chance when a mysterious call contracts him for a weekend kidnapping with a handsome payday at the end. But the job isn't all that it seems.
回复 :在手機及互聯網泛濫的年代,傳統而戆直的武德輝(李思捷飾),只想帶同渴求出國旅遊的妻兒,到十五年前求婚、連Wi-Fi 都没有的荒野營地,慶祝一番; 誰料卻引來了帶著半生誤解及鄙視的車神父親、廚神賢母、神怪搗蛋大哥!還有活於冷漠科技世界的富豪、神秘的營地管理人、兒時的初戀! 而德輝更誤打誤撞,把自家的Wi-Fi 蛋與傳說中的神秘巨鳥的蛋調換了...透過不崇尚科技、講求默契關愛的團隊比賽,父子、眾人能否冰釋前嫌 ?
回复 :黑人喜剧明星艾迪格里芬在影片中饰演一位留着非洲发型,一副七十年代流行装扮的黑人英雄,绰号“Undercover Brother”的间谍。他被委派去打入一个邪恶的反政府组织的内部,以便在适当的时机瓦解他们,和他合作的是一位性感的新来女同事。他们在潜入这个组织之后,积极寻找组织的犯罪证据,但不久却被人发现,对方派来了另外一位性感女人来对付他……