回复 :"八二三砲戰" 是 1958 年發生在台灣海峽的一塲戰事, 亦是大陸易手於國共雙方唯一一次的正面衝突.據史實當年是一塲海陸空總動員的大規模戰爭, 影片重點放在步兵預官排長黃克敏, 砲兵上校指揮官齊良臣與蛙人中尉分隊長魏中和分別領導的步兵, 砲兵, 蛙人三個兵隊作戰情況 。
回复 :50年代-60年代初波兰电影学院派的经典作品之一,堪称与同时代意大利导演安东尼奥尼的《奇遇》相比,改编自Józef Hen在社会主义波兰时期被禁的小说。In 1960 his second film NIKT NIE WOLA / NOBODY'S CALLING, based on a Jozef Hen novel that was never published in Poland, described the fate of Poles on the Eastern Front. Kutz used the film to explore new formal solutions, collaborating closely with cinematographer Jerzy Wojcik to reveal the psychological landscape of a pair of lovers who are strongly affected by wartime events. The camera recorded the couple's inner experiences, contrasting their muted intimacy against the surrounding scenery of a ruined town. The film did not win over critics at the time of its release. It was not until later that critics recognized Kutz's effort to experiment with aesthetics in a manner akin to that pursued by filmmakers of the new wave. NOBODY'S CALLING came to be compared with Michelangelo Antonioni's THE ADVENTURE, which was produced around the same time.
回复 :1979年,越南方面挑起边境事件达三千多起,社会主义阵营好兄弟中国和越南同室操戈,剑拔弩张。侯局长的儿子侯方此时正在边疆服役,这位一腔肝胆的青年决心用钢铁之躯保卫祖国,因此特别申请延期退役。而他的妈妈却担心儿子的安全,执意希望儿子退役回家,远离战场的喧嚣。人民子弟兵们浩浩荡荡开赴边疆,侯方跟随班长梁青青冲锋陷阵。然而越方设置了长达两百米的雷区,为了打开大部队前进的通道,梁青青带着侯方、韦江波等战士展开排雷任务,可是所有的爆破器材都用完了,他们只能用自己的血肉之躯去扫除最后五十米的地雷。年轻的战士视死如归,他们做出足以让祖国母亲自豪的壮举……