回复 :1932年后,日军陆续占领上海多个区域,曾经繁华十里洋场沦为一座黑暗笼罩下孤城,在抗日浪潮推动下,各界爱国人士殒身不逊奋起反击,接连狙杀多名日军官员,引起了日方高度警惕。 故事以一场在新世界“精心策划”的告别宴为由,各界爱国人士纷纷乔装进入生日宴服务团队,其中负责传递重要情报的,就是混入制衣部门给大佐夫人缝制“瑞鹤”和服的一群旗袍师傅。 一代旗袍宗师孙添保,恪守旗袍风骨,一身正气,宁身死,不为日本人制旗袍,门徒三人,大师兄范立饶、二师姐孔绘心、小师弟张仲亭,身份成谜,正反难分。 一次围绕日本人的“暗杀”行动,一场迷雾重生的“局中局”,谁才是真正“卧底”,谁才是最后的“胜者”?
回复 :这是一部谍中谍式的电影,不过主角换成了狙击手。美国退役优秀狙击手鲍勃(马克•沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)正在阿肯色州享受退役后的休闲时光,不料,平地生波,他的前上司前来拜访他,希望他能接受一项新的任务――在总统街头演讲那天充当隐形狙击手暗中保护总统。虽然十万分不情愿,但禁不住上司的游说,鲍勃最终答应了。总统演讲那天,鲍勃正在仔细观察着四周情况时,突然会场遭到枪手袭击,总统身边的衣索比亚主教被杀。鲍勃被当成暗杀者遭遇警方追捕。心知成了替罪羔羊,鲍勃在身中两枪的情况下奋力逃走了。鲍勃此时唯一的出路就是找出幕后的真凶,为自己洗刷罪名。
回复 :imdbPlot summaryBorn in a small town in the countryside surrounding Pistoia, Adriana is an attractive young girl who counts on using her looks to go places in the entertainment business in Rome. Moving to the capital, she works first of all in a hairdressing salon, then in a small cinema where she manages to get a job working in fancy dress. Meantime, she socializes with young men of the upper middle classes, who take her to parties and out on the town with the sole aim of taking advantage of her. Adriana knows their game, but plays along. In the meantime, she meets an agent called Cianfanna, a modest money-grubber who introduces her to a journalist friend of his so he can write an article on her. Having thus launched her career in advertising, Adriana decides to go home to visit her parents. Once home, however, she is distraught to learn of the death of her sister. Returning to Rome, she takes acting lessons, but during one lesson she suddenly faints she is pregnant, with no idea of who the father of her child is. The days go by and Adriana tries to forget about her pregnancy, while sleeping with an increasingly long list of lovers. And yet, despite the fact these encounters are often less than enjoyable, at one point she actually falls in love his name is Antonio and he's a decent young man from a respectable family, but still in love with a former girlfriend he is unable to forget…