京武Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives.
京武Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives.
回复 :本是古董店的小保安,却遭女友給帶帽子!临危之际意外获得家族傳承,被赐透視神眼和无上医典!我必將悬壶济世,鉴天下宝物,报仇豪门,迎娶白富美,成为大佬,走人生巅峰!
回复 :新垣结衣饰演30岁的OL深海晶,笑容满满,工作完美,是被大家喜欢的理想女性,但她其实只是为了周围人的眼光而努力和忍耐,对工作和恋爱都感到烦恼而疲惫。松田龙平饰演的33岁精英会计师根元恒星,擅长处世,很受欢迎,但内心不相信任何人,冷眼旁观一切。故事讲述了两个内心包裹着坚硬铠甲的人相遇后展开的恋爱喜剧。“如果可以像野兽一样自由生活就好了。”
回复 :美女被逼替嫁废物少爷, 拼命逃婚却让总裁心动