原声Take a peek at the life of an unhappy housewife who finds passionate love from her neighbor and how their affair brings them closer to fire.
原声Take a peek at the life of an unhappy housewife who finds passionate love from her neighbor and how their affair brings them closer to fire.
回复 :《南汉山城》根据2007年出版的韩国同名畅销历史小说改编拍摄。以1636年仁祖14年的丙子胡乱为背景,讲述后金(清)攻打朝鲜,仁宗国王(朴海日饰)和他的大臣,包括崔鸣吉(李秉宪饰)和金尚宪(金允石饰)被逼至南汉山城,在紧迫的47日里,他们与外界隔绝,进退维谷。在强大的清军攻势下,崔鸣吉为了百姓的身家性命力主求和;金尚宪主张与后金(清)继续战斗。
回复 :二战期间,卡萨布兰卡是欧洲逃往美国的必经之地,那里鱼龙混杂,局势紧张。里克(亨佛莱•鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一个神秘的商人,他在卡萨布兰卡开了一家人气很旺的夜总会,并拥有两张宝贵的通行证。一天,反纳粹人士维克多和妻子伊尔莎(英格丽•褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)来到夜总会,原来他们正在逃避纳粹的追捕。碰巧的是,里克发现,伊尔莎竟然是他的旧日情人。那段爱曾经刻骨铭心,却因为一个误会而终止。而当误会消解时,伊尔莎和里克的感情还是不可避免的重燃了。里克手上的两张通行证能帮助维克多度过难关,但这样一来,伊尔莎是决定留下,还是离去,他们的爱情在政治和伦理的推波逐流中走向何方。
回复 :A young girl lives with her mother in an isolated mountain cabin. Mother dies, the girl also has a child. No father is present. A friendship is formed with another woman but things start to become twisted. Paranoia and delusions follow