回复 :Set in 1900s Vienna, the city is a hot bed of philosophy, science and art that are keenly debated in its coffee houses. Psychoanalysis, pioneered by Sigmund Freud, is capturing the city’s imagination, but is still in its infancy, and is viewed with a mixture of excitement and suspicion. Max Liebermann (Matthew Beard) is a brilliant protégé of Freud, who comes into contact with ...
回复 :秋元康(《轮到你了》)担任企划/原作,日版《阳光姐妹淘》的导演大根仁执导/编剧的东京电视台新剧《共演NG》由中井贵一、铃木京香联袂主演,将于今秋开播!该剧是一部描绘了电视剧制作幕后的成人恋爱喜剧,讲述两位25年前因某些原因分手的名演员,需要跨越多年恩怨再度合作演出的故事。中井贵一、铃木京香此前在其他作品中也演过恋人,包括三谷幸喜执导的“一镜到底”作品《人生小节》。
回复 :X战警衍生剧《天赋异禀》确认续订第二季!