回复 :CUCK is a gripping fly-on-the wall character study and psychosexual thriller tracking an isolated and lonely young man as he is indoctrinated into the online echo chambers of Alt-Right ideology and hate. Touching on several topical nerves, CUCK gives a raw, unforgiving glimpse into a dark world that hides in plain sight.
回复 :A whodunit thriller set in the backdrop of North Kolkata with its British Raj charm, based on Agatha Christie's Cards on the Table.
回复 :汶川大地震时,正在龙门山深处矿山上检查民爆物品的民警赵刚和姜明全,在与外界失去联系的情况下,忠于职责,带领500多名劫后余生的群众,泅水探路、翻山越岭,历经八天八夜的艰险,终于走出绝境。