春暖A disconnected teenage girl named Lea, who enters a relationship with a man twice her age. Lea sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are not what they seem.
春暖A disconnected teenage girl named Lea, who enters a relationship with a man twice her age. Lea sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are not what they seem.
回复 :Jessica lives in fear of a man named Kevin who follows her everywhere she goes. While on a road trip, she reconnects with Elena, an old friend she hasn’t seen since high school. Elena has been hiding out at her deceased grandmother’s ranch in New Mexico.When Kevin mysteriously appears at the ranch, Jessica and Elena seek help from beyond the grave to get rid of him for good. But Kevin is different from other stalkers and won’t move on so easily.
回复 :板仓亮子(宫本信子 饰)是港町税务署的调查员,她工作认真负责,但在收到一位老婆婆的指责后,她不再将目光停留在普通老百姓身上,而是转移到大的商会上面。在她锲而不舍的追查下,许多狡猾的公司老板纷纷现出原形。不过亮子也有为难的时候,经营旅馆业的权藤英树(山崎努 饰)就是一条狡猾的老狐狸,任凭亮子怎样调查也找不到蛛丝马迹。不久后,亮子因工作出色被调到国税局侦查科,她和同事齐心协力侦破不少偷税案件。随着一同匿名举报电话的到来,权藤的案子再次提出,亮子决心将其偷税事实彻底查清……
回复 :身患老年痴呆症的父亲,为儿子保存了一瓶58年的老茅台,不孝儿子深陷债务危机,想把父亲的老茅台骗到手中,可父亲偏偏不认识这个儿子了,为了唤醒儿子的记忆,儿子把父亲带回茅台镇去重新过酿酒生活,以期父亲记忆恢复,在父子酿酒过程中两人的感情升温了,最后,父亲依旧不认识这个儿子,却认可了两人的忘年交情,父亲将老茅台赠予了他,儿子拿到老茅台,内心发现了最重要的是亲情,他没有去拿酒还债,而是把父亲接回北京一起生活,在跟父亲洗澡的时候,将茅台打开,两人共饮,父亲说了一句:好酒!