回复 :电影讲述了一个印度内阁秘书处研究分析室的特工在与时间赛跑中,为她的国家执行一项坚定而无畏的任务,而牺牲是她唯一的选择。
回复 :A queen who lost three kingdoms. A wife who lost three husbands. A woman who lost her head.Mary Queen of Scots spends her childhood in France and is meant to become also Queen of France. However, her ailing husband dies and the young widow returns alone to Scotland, a country devastated by war. Elizabeth has just become Queen of England, for Mary she is like a twin sister to whom she can open her heart. Mary weds again and gives birth to an heir to the thrown. Her second husband, Lord Darnley, proves to be a weakling. When Mary finds the love of her life, the Earl of Bothwell, she has Darnley murdered and marries Bothwell. Horrified by this deed and the blind passion that motivated it, both the nobles and the people of Scotland spurn her. To avert a bloody battle, Mary is compelled to give up her beloved Bothwell. In desperate straits, she turns to Elizabeth for help. In response, the Queen of England imprisons her. After 19 years spent in a golden cage, Mary finds release at last: Elizabeth sends her to the block.
回复 :厄普警长向来执法强悍,令匪徒闻风丧胆而威震四方,在19世纪无法无天的西部,自成一股安定人心的力量。然而,他曾有过厌倦之感,希望能在别的地方度日,从此不问世事,可是人在江湖身不由己,他无故被卷入一场纷争,为了维护自己所追求的和平,再次披甲上阵...