回复 :Controversial Pakistani cleric Maulana Aziz, linked to the Taliban, declares jihad against the government to impose sharia law. The government retaliates by destroying his seminary, killing his mother, brother, his only son and 150 students. The film follows charming yet menacing Maulana Aziz on his personal quest to create an Islamic utopia, which causes the country to implode. The Red Mosque has students allied with ISIL, and strong ties to the Taliban. We meet two Red Mosque students whose paths diverge: Talha, 12, leaves his moderate Muslim family to study to be a jihadi preacher. Zarina, also 12, escapes her madrassa and joins a normal school. Her education is threatened by frequent Taliban attacks on schools like her own. In December, 2014, the Taliban massacred 132 schoolchildren in Peshawar, outraging Pakistan's moderate majority. Aziz's longtime opponent, education reformer Pervez Hoodbhoy joins the re-energized anti-extremist movement. Throughout the film, he passionately opposes Aziz on television and public forums. With the tide turning against the cleric, Pervez is determined to see Aziz put in jail. Intimate and brutally honest, AMONG THE BELIEVERS offers rare insight into the ideological battle shaping Pakistan and the Muslim world.Pakistan's notorious cleric Maulana Aziz, with links to Taliban, declares jihad against the government to impose sharia law. This sparks a bloody war and causes the country to implode. Along with Aziz's quest, the film charts the coming-of-age stories of his two students who are trapped in this ideological war.
回复 :影片改编自智利著名矿难事件,讲述33个男人在一场突如其来的灾难中被困地心深处,出路被塌陷的岩石全部封死,是坐以待毙,还是绝境求生?整整69天,兄弟同心,一路冲关,最终全部生还,创造了人类营救史上的最大奇迹。
回复 :本片《互联网之子》讲的是编程天才和信息活动家 亚伦·斯沃茨 的故事。从参与基础互联网协议RSS到联合创办Reddit,斯沃茨的足迹遍及整个互联网。但斯沃茨在社会公正和政治组织方面的开创性工作,以及对信息存取的雄心壮志,使他陷入了一场两年之久的法律噩梦。 亚伦的故事也触动了对他如雷贯耳的网络社区之外的人们。