回复 :Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed.Emily Beecham [pictured] - who features in the cast of Berlinale opening film Hail, Caesar! - plays the titular Daphne, a young Londoner with a frenetic lifestyle who decides she needs to change her life after witnessing a violent robbery.The Bureau producers Tristan Goligher and Valentina Brazzini developed the project in-house. The BFI and Creative Scotland are the main financiers of the film, together with The Bureau.The company’s Paris-based sister company, The Bureau Sales, is handling international rights.Mackie Burns won the Golden Bear for best short film in 2005 for Milk, about a girl trying to bathe her grandmother.Nico Mensinga wrote the screenplay for Daphne in his second collaboration with Mackie Burns after the short Happy Birthday To Me, also starring Beecham.The Daphne shoot kicks-off amid a high-profile year for The Bureau following the success of Andrew Haigh’s 45 Years, which won two Silver Bears for the lead performances of Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay in Berlin last year, with Rampling also receiving an Oscar nomination, and is up for Outstanding British Film at tonight’s Baftas.“Peter Mackie Burns has made some visceral performance driven shorts including the award-winning Milk,” said Lizzie Francke, BFI senior production and development executive. “It is great to be able to support him on the next stage of his film career
回复 :小白(蔣雅文飾)獲表姐介紹而成為配音員,因此結識了收音師克明(譚耀文飾)。克明與小白相處下來,互生情愫。小白的表哥阿庭(魏駿傑飾)暗戀小白,對小白關懷備至,可惜小白不領情。小白喜愛白色,克明欲錄下大自然中純白的聲音。
回复 :本片主要讲述了海滨市远郊悬崖发生坠崖事件,死者为步量科技有限公司老板焦旺,嫌疑人为共同来露营的公司七名员工(钱柔、葛浩、赵艳、孙然、高洋、王红、马鹏)。案件发生在荒无人烟的悬崖,情况复杂线索众多。案件陷入僵局时,刑警队长辛思远决定另寻思路,巧妙破局,和网警队长章辉联手,用一场“狼人杀”的形式,还原真相。揭开层层迷雾,却发现这个坠崖事件并没有那么简单……