回复 :A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One day, Eliko is found hanged. His granddaughter Moe comes to organize his funeral. She is confronted with a web of lies and the tragic consequences of Eliko’s hidden love life with Amnon, which lasted 22 years. The truth however frees Moe’s capability to love and forces the villagers to take a stand.A homage to the forgotten people, a struggle against bigotry, an act of empowerment for generations struggling with their identity; to give them a story through which to imagine themselves in the future.– Elene Naveriani
回复 :赞浩(李钟准的)是谁在痴迷宰熙(徐妍珠)花花公子,虽然她不会让他不像其他女孩子身体爱抚。他尝试一切,但她并没有放弃。后来有一天,宰熙打开了,他们发生性关系,但没有什么,但身体上的痛苦和痛苦的她。然后,她听见赞浩一直欺骗她与别人,她决定采取报复。
回复 :安迪与翠丝生活过得相当写意,岂料翠丝因腹痛难抵,致电求救,并由安迪旧同学卓德替她治理。经诊断后,他发现翠丝怀了身孕,惟子宫出现问题必须切除,事后,翠丝大怒与丈夫离婚,并控告卓德要求赔偿,惟安迪此际发现自己患有不育之症。