回复 :故事讲述车手大熊遭反派杜斯暗算,伤及路人,输掉比赛。拳手安培沉溺MMA,导致妻子车祸意外死亡。本是好兄弟的二人,从此洗心革面,安静度日。好景不长,“老三”李想阴差阳错又得罪了杜斯,平静的日子再起波澜。冥冥中,几个人的命运还是交织在了一起。为了赢回男人的尊严,大熊和安培再次踏上“战场”。
回复 :The Driver is specialist in a rare business he drives getaway cars in robberies. His exceptional talent prevented him from being caught yet. After another succeeded flight from the police, a self-assured detective makes it his primary goal to catch the Driver. He promises remission of of punishment to a gang if they help to convict him in a set-up robbery. The Driver seeks help from the player Isabelle to mislead the detective.
回复 :故事讲述大同府着名银号福来钱庄,内储黄金逾百万两,使各方贼寇垂涎。独脚大盗滕奇影(罗烈 饰)本欲邀钱庄护院文礼贤(陈骏 饰)合谋,将钱庄金银据为己有,但文严拒;滕转向白氏姊妹玉燕(凌波 饰)及玉莺(汪萍 饰)着手,共襄劫金大举……