心居Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.
心居Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.
回复 :故事讲述西摩在得到一株以吸取人血产生的奇异花卉后,不惜以牺牲自己的代价来赢取顾客的青睐和美人的芳心。然而在名利双收之时,摩西发现这朵奇花在长大的同时,自己已不能控制它的成长,并且生命也面临危险。良心与名利之间,摩西终于醒悟,于是正邪之战由此展开。该片因缘于歌舞剧,故不可能成为主流作品,而且较正统歌舞剧所不及。其独特之处在于能说会道小花的电影特技和轻松插曲,总的讲仍不失为一部赏心妙品。
回复 :某泰国小青年乘车夜归,结果坐错公车,在一个陌生的地方下车。将错就错,他逛进一家书店,发现一本名为《见鬼10法》的书,书中罗列了换死人角膜、怀孕自杀、杯仙、十字路鬼、捉鬼迷藏、涂尸泥、屋内打伞、午夜对镜梳头、倒栽头和去死等十种见鬼方法,恐怖惊险却又引人入胜。在好奇心的驱使下,青年将书买回家中。不久,他和另外四个朋友聚在一起,这几个年轻气盛且胆大妄为的年轻人按照书中的指示玩起了见鬼游戏。然而,见鬼10法的恐怖之处在于,一旦开始便要进行到底,即使因此失去了性命……
回复 :A young Canadian nurse (Betsy) comes to the West Indies to care for Jessica, the wife of a plantation manager (Paul Holland). Jessica seems to be suffering from a kind of mental paralysis as a result of fever. When she falls in love with Paul, Betsy determines to cure Jessica even if she needs to use a voodoo ceremony, to give Paul what she thinks he wants.