讲述武松杀死潘金莲及西门庆后,久久精品被判发配孟州牢营。武松本照例要接受一百下杀威棒,久久精品但得施恩(田青 饰)求情,侥幸获得豁免。武松知施恩有求於己,催促施恩说出情由,原来由其开设的「快活林」酒肆,被「蒋门神」蒋忠夺去。
讲述武松杀死潘金莲及西门庆后,久久精品被判发配孟州牢营。武松本照例要接受一百下杀威棒,久久精品但得施恩(田青 饰)求情,侥幸获得豁免。武松知施恩有求於己,催促施恩说出情由,原来由其开设的「快活林」酒肆,被「蒋门神」蒋忠夺去。
回复 :康拉德(Klaus Löwitsch 饰)是前东德人民军特种部队的一名老兵。他受在阿富汗阵亡的战友之托,照顾战友的儿子罗伯特(托马斯·克莱舒曼 饰)。两德统一后,康拉德在一家大型能源企业担任保安,而安保主管正是罗伯特。在某新型能源系统上线前夜,一批对西德不满的前东德犯罪分子谋划破坏这一系统的上线,意外地被罗伯特撞线。接着,罗伯特惊讶地发现,康拉德居然是这些犯罪者的内应......
回复 :改编自抗战时期忻口战役,八路军抗日英雄赵崇德率部夜袭日军阳明堡机场并炸毁24架敌机,最终在掩护部队撤退时英勇牺牲的壮举。赵崇德率领部队夜袭日军机场,经过重重困难终于将日军24架战机炸毁,并以身殉国。
回复 :John Wood left the pieces of a broken civilisation behind, to go back to his roots in the woodland, after a virus pandemic struck the world. Residing in a simple cabin, he only wants peace and to live in harmony with nature. Coming from a long line of timber men, he joined the army and served as a soldier for many years. Rebelling against his superiors for killing civilians under martial law. John feels he got his own wife killed when saving hundreds of innocent civilians from certain death. His wife executed point blank as retribution for John's disobedience and supposed heroic acts. Now, a young woman named Maria Johnson has escaped a pandemic research lab. She's been part of experiments to find a cure for the still raging virus. Carrying the potential cure in her blood, she is hunted by profiteers and mercenaries who knows her secret. Coming upon John's cabin in the woods, Maria is instinctively taken into shelter by John. He wants her to recover fast and leave, but by learning her...