回复 :恶名昭彰的大盗路瑟逃狱成功,号召昔日狐群狗党巴克一票合组五人帮,准备重出江湖洗劫墨西哥银行。他们相约德州边境的野狼汽车旅馆,巴克一伙早早抵达,闲闲没事打炮看A片;路瑟命运乖违,在赶往旅馆会合途中,半路撞上吸血蝙蝠,又遭「大奶酒吧」吸血鬼一口咬定,变身吸血一族。 于是,五人相见欢,「口口相传」,只差巴克没被染指。吸血鬼抢银行超狠、超凶、超猛,警察的子弹完全没路用,血光四溅、吸血鬼个个原形毕露,巴克这才发现苗头不对,赶紧联手警察头头,展开人鬼大战……
回复 :A couple found themselves on a sinister refuge after their car malfunctioned while taking a long-distance route to their hometown.
回复 :Based on the actual 11-day disappearance of famed mystery writer Agatha Christie in 1926, the film fictionalizes her whereabouts during that time. When her husband announces that he is leaving her for another woman, Christie creates a mystery out of her own life by hiding in a Harrogate hotel and plotting revenge on her spouse while all of England searches for her. The reporter who finds Christie tries to foil her plan and finally falls in love with her.