回复 :同年10月からはセカンドシーズンを放送開始予定。
回复 :Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors.These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City.Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
回复 :跨越明清两代、建成将近六百年的故宫,收藏着包括《五牛图》《清明上河图》在内的180多万件珍贵文物。历经百年沧桑,这些人类共同的瑰宝或多或少蒙上尘埃,破损不堪。从故宫博物院建院那一天起,一代又一代文物修复师走入紫禁城的红墙,通过他们化腐朽为神奇的妙手,将生命的活力重新注入一件件文物之中。木器、陶瓷、青铜、漆器、钟表、织绣、书画,不同的文物有着不同的特性,也有各自修复的难点。而这些修复师们甘于寂寞,甘于平淡,在与文物的对话中小心翼翼感受着来自古代的微弱的脉搏。文物有灵魂,有生命,它们和人类的内心大美紧紧相连。当尘封的文物重新焕发夺目光彩之时,不应忘记那些平凡而伟大的匠人所为之付出的艰辛!