回复 :Three-Part Musical Event featuring Billie Eilish, H.E.R., and Kid Cudi.H.E.R.S1, Ep1A modern day tribute to the iconic Dunbar Hotel, once a hub of Los Angeles Black culture in the 1930's and 40's. H.E.R. imagines what the setting would be like if it existed in 2021, featuring new music from her album, "Back of My Mind."Kid CudiS1, Ep2An "intercosmic" performance that depicts the artist leaving Earth for the moon to establish a new community. www.2kyb.com Featuring music from his album "Man on the Moon III," Kid Cudi collaborates with the International Space Orchestra, composed of scientists from NASA Ames Research Center, the SETI Institute, and the International Space University as his backing band.Billie EilishS1, Ep3Set in a Parisian neighborhood with a series of cinematic performances, featuring new music from Billie Eilish's upcoming album, "Happier Than Ever."
回复 :于2020年11月16日在myTV Gold及TVB Anywhere点播专区全套上架,于2021年3月8日在香港翡翠台播出。该剧讲述了通过跑步悟出人生道理,并带出故事的主题“断舍离”。网媒编辑何家欣(姚子羚 饰)奉命接近「竞风田径社」挖掘丑闻,与跑步教练袁力(陈山聪 饰)结识。袁力因过去的憾事,避免和人建立关系,但他屡与家欣交集,渐走渐近。富商郭皇普(蒋志光 饰)之女郭贝儿(刘颖镟 饰)怀着特殊目的,主动加入竞风社;皇普却成了竞风社的赞助人,与袁力不 断角力。袁力受好友黎舜梵(张达伦 饰)所托,照顾年少的儿子麦宇笙,二人逐步培养出师徒情谊,而舜梵与家欣原来曾有感情纠葛。舜梵及后因顽疾自暴自弃,袁力决意令他振作,同时亦审视自身,要重新踏上跑道……
回复 :原班人马在第二年的续作,日本人气漫画《金田一少年事件簿》真人版。金田一少年事件簿II_01 雪夜叉傳說殺人事件(前編)金田一少年事件簿II_02 雪夜叉傳說殺人事件(後編)金田一少年事件簿II_03 惡魔組曲殺人事件金田一少年事件簿II_04 塔羅山莊殺人事件(前編)金田一少年事件簿II_05 塔羅山莊殺人事件(後編)金田一少年事件簿II_06 金田一少年殺人事件金田一少年事件簿II_07 怪盜紳士殺人事件(前編)金田一少年事件簿II_08 怪盜紳士殺人事件(後編)金田一少年事件簿II_09 異人館(旅館)殺人事件金田一少年事件簿II_10 墓場島殺人事件(前編)金田一少年事件簿II_11 墓場島殺人事件(後編)