回复 :
回复 :Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barnaby and Troy soon find themselves investigating the murder of Marjorie Empson who is found in her home bludgeoned to death. The focus of their attention is the the Reading Club, a group of five women who meet regularly not to discuss books in fact, but to manage a investment fund they have established. Two of the members were hoping to cash out their investments, but were prevented from doing so by the others. There are several other suspects, all in one way or another connected to the financial and investment world, but when a second member of the book club is killed, the police realize they may need to look for an altogether different motive.
回复 :故事在Sky将要在曼谷开展大学新生活的时候拉开了帷幕,跟他一起开始新生活的还有一个叫做Sun的面瘫帅保镖。Sun是Sky的父亲白道家族话事人Phupha派来保护其儿子的,因为Phupha害怕其竞争对手黑道家族的Sakkee会对自己的儿子不利。当Sky答应让Sun跟自己住在一起的时候,他想要在大学里自由自在生活的希望即将破灭,因为他无法忤逆父亲的意思。Sky也很看不惯Sun喜怒不形于色、沉默寡言的性格,因为他感觉对方总是把自己的真实情感隐藏起来。而Sky则是那种有什么想法都会马上说出来的人,所以当两人在一起的时候,Sky感觉到非常压抑。他们第一次见面的时候就已经互相看不顺眼,而且Sun还总是喊做“小少爷”,Sky为此感到很头疼,因为他觉得对方这么喊自己,会显得两人很生疏,也会让旁人侧目而视。两人这样子的相处方式,就算人们从冥王星上面都能看得出来,两人是少爷和保镖的关系。于是Sky打算安排一系列的课程,想要把Sun培训成一个正常的人类,以让大家觉得他们两个是兄弟的关系。但是Sun还是把自己当作一个尽忠职守的保镖,时刻遵守着规矩。这下子我们的顽皮小少爷会轻易答应吗?Sky时刻想着要打破保镖先生的规矩,然而两人开始慢慢对彼此有了更深入的了解。两人共同经历了很多的挫折、危险以及来自各方的考验,最后产生了一份伟大的爱情,即使需要牺牲掉两人的生命,他们也会义无反顾。