回复 :二蛋喜欢同村美丽漂亮的红梅,红梅也喜欢老实的二蛋,二蛋说要娶红梅,但是二蛋的妈妈反对这门亲事,红梅的爸爸也不同意。结果被同村嫉妒的小玉从中作梗,拆散了他们。他们俩最终怎么样了呢?
回复 :该片通过返乡农民工大牛转变观 衣,承包农村土地,走新型农业机械 匕的道路,维护村民利益,带领村民 黔同致富的故事,表现了大牛勤劳、 葬良、乐于助人的人物形象,展现了近代科技型农民发展的新面貌。
回复 :In the early '90s, the Yugoslavian Government cancelled the autonomy of Kosovo, dissolved its Parliament and closed down the National Television. All institutional life was reorganized by the new authorities, while the majority of the citizens responded with peaceful demonstrations. During this terrible time, Fadili, who works as an archivist, has to choose between two options, knowing that both of them are wrong. He therefore involuntarily and unwillingly swallows the shame, endures the pressure bearing down from all sides and puts up with the bad reputation for only one reason to provide for his family.