小茗Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
小茗Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
回复 :Ok, folks, this is my last Ishii upload. Totsugeki! Hakata gurentai is his first feature and last 8mm film. Haven't watched it yet myself, but from the looks of it, this is very much reminescent of eighties and nineties v-cinema, sort of like early Miike (only made in 1978). There is considerably more dialogue than in his earlier films, but it doesn't seem too complicated plotwise.
回复 :石原里美在阅读了原作后后萌生了在舞台上演绎的念头,而导演郑义信则是她十分喜欢的舞台剧导演,最终她也如愿以偿的促成了这次合作。《秘密结晶》由芥川奖作家小川洋子同名小说改编,故事以孤岛为舞台,讲述在一个花、鸟、书等等渐渐消失的异常世界里人们之间的故事。石原里美在剧中饰演女主角是一位小说家,共同出演的还包括村上虹郎和铃木浩介等。
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