以现实香港为蓝本,偷拍描述急功近利的青年人亚伦(刘德华)的遭遇及他身边的香港人:偷拍外商情妇玛利亚——古嘉露,戆直工头亚辉——黎汉持,望做歌星女工亚红 ——寇鸿萍,封建固执看更虎伯——谷峰及非法入境女人蛇亚贞——朱海玲。一班香港小人物,为了物质生活、男女关系、移民外国等等,面对种种生活压力,求不得、放不下,难舍难离……
以现实香港为蓝本,偷拍描述急功近利的青年人亚伦(刘德华)的遭遇及他身边的香港人:偷拍外商情妇玛利亚——古嘉露,戆直工头亚辉——黎汉持,望做歌星女工亚红 ——寇鸿萍,封建固执看更虎伯——谷峰及非法入境女人蛇亚贞——朱海玲。一班香港小人物,为了物质生活、男女关系、移民外国等等,面对种种生活压力,求不得、放不下,难舍难离……
回复 :岩井可奈美是日本某所电视台的新闻报导员,她清纯可人,但有一次在女厕中遇见她的同事跟其上司鬼混后,每天在她脑海之中都浮现那个情景。其实她的上司早已对她虎视眈眈,有一日他终于按捺不住对岩井有所企图,并联同曾经跟他鬼混的女同事淫欲岩井。自始,岩井恋上这玩意,更勾引好友丈夫..
回复 :An encounter. Between waves and cliffs. The night. In a week, he gets married. For years, she no longer believes in pleasure. They meet. They play. They speak. They want each other. As a gift - unconditionally. Like a dance - on the edge of the void. For one night. One night only. Their only night.
回复 :There is a girl who is a student at a tailoring school. She has a friend who has a boyfriend and is always having sex. She herself, however, remains a virgin. She sees her brother masturbating one day. She asks her friend to have sex with her brother. Her friend asks her to spread it for her older brother in exchange. It is a deal and the four go on a hike.