回复 :1934, America. The Dustbowl. A fugitive named Ben Hawkins finds refuge within a traveling carnival comprised of a tarot card reader and her catatonic/telekinetic mother, a blind mentalist, a bearded lady, and conjoined twins, amongst others. The carnival is owned by the mysterious and unseen Management, who has designs on the young Hawkins, for the boy is concealing an untapped gift: he can heal the lame and raise the dead--at a price. Ben also finds himself disturbed by cryptic and prophetic dreams, which he shares with a Methodist preacher in California, Brother Justin Crowe. Brother Justin, convinced by his dreams he is following God's will, has begun to practice his own extraordinary talents, although the preacher's plans increasingly lead to disturbing and tragic consequences. In this "last great age of magic," Ben Hawkins and Justin Crowe are moving toward a great conflict between Good and Evil, although it not yet clear on which sides these men will stand.
回复 :度过了乐而忘忧的四个月后,艾尔莎发帖称自己回巴黎了。然而和过去的朋友重新走近却让她心情复杂。
回复 :北宋仁宗年间,某年京师瘟疫盛行,军民伤损甚多。天子钦点洪太尉前往江西信州龙虎山,宣请张天师驱邪除祟。洪太尉寻天师不见,却因固执走了上清宫中镇压的一百单八个魔头。转眼数十年过去,正是哲宗在位之时。破落户高俅(魏宗万 饰)凭借一身的奇技淫巧深得端王欢心,随即平步青云。待端王继位为徽宗,高俅更到了不可一世的地步。君臣二人一心玩乐,荒废朝纲,致使举国上下怨声载道,强梁四起。以及时雨宋江(李雪健 饰)为首的一八零八位好汉相继登上梁山,一众好汉闹江州、三打祝家庄、战青州……搅得大宋江山沸沸扬扬……本片根据中国古典四大名著之一《水浒传》改编。