爱久A man's long battle to save his comatose father is met with financial obstacles, and with his family suggesting euthanasia as the best possible option. What will he do?
爱久A man's long battle to save his comatose father is met with financial obstacles, and with his family suggesting euthanasia as the best possible option. What will he do?
回复 :平平无奇的大四男生王新远为了混进毕业舞会向暗恋女孩表白,误入三天两夜的癫狂冒险。
回复 :半个世纪前,德教授率领考古队在埃及帝王谷发现了一个罕有的金字塔"太洛斯"。更碰上一股邪恶的恐怖力量,为了令邪灵不致为祸人间,德教授不惜引爆搜索现埸,与邪灵同埋于沙漠深处。德教授的孙女珊美其后自组搜索队,决定重新征服"太洛斯”,但同样遇上邪恶力量,各队员更是死的死,疯的疯。从此,“太洛斯”的阴影一直潜伏在她的心中。岂料一天,珊美收到英国国家博物馆的宣传品,即将举行的展览竟是“太洛斯”!经历了几千年的沉睡,终于重现人间。
回复 :Bua is a skilled swordsman and takes Kham under her wing to train him. But when a violent gang threatens her village, she steps up to protect her community with her extraordinary abilities.