回复 :When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have been part of a pornographic snuff ring that lures young girls to make their money. Fearing for Lauren’s safety, Michelle hires the help of a store employee to find her daughter. But finding Lauren soon becomes an impossible task as no one really cares about missing girls or a mother’s lover for her baby. In order to find her daughter, Michelle must enter into the darkest and most shocking areas of the industry. Michelle will go anywhere and do anything to find her baby girl. . . How far will you go
回复 :本片由羅維執導,王福齡配樂,焦姣領銜主演、飾以「黑蝴蝶」名義劫富濟貧的女俠,表面上卻是不曉武藝的酒舖女兒關寶珠。故事描述,黑蝴蝶潛入五魔山盜寨,竊去大批不義之財後,怪丐醉半瘋(楊志卿)忽然在北帝廟分贈貧民米糧,惹都察廳懷疑施米的銀子來歷。侍衛官柳四郎(岳華)屢次暗中查訪真相,卻不得要領,直至其師、退隱江湖的酒舖老闆關五一次遇險,始知關寶珠即是黑蝴蝶,而怪丐則是失蹤多年的龍大俠……
回复 :开元盛世,当朝太子病重,所有太医束手无策,就在皇帝为太子秘密寻找药方之际,一位高人诊断称太子命格极为特殊,需带“佛骨舍利”皈依佛门,可皇帝不舍太子受苦,便命与太子八字相同的裴伦德代为出家,裴伦德心中虽有不满,但也不敢违抗圣令,只能放纵自己来舒缓愤懑的情绪。金光寺方丈预感到裴伦德恐遭灾祸重重,遂指派降魔武僧团的小伍一路护送裴文德,以保其安全抵达金光寺。江湖传闻“佛骨舍利”能够使人得道成仙,这让无数人为之觊觎,苦海领的三大妖王“金光寨主”、“半面妆”、“阴风老妖”更是对这传言中的成仙至宝蓄谋已久。所以,裴伦德将带着“佛骨舍利”前往金山寺的消息一经曝出,苦海领的众妖邪便蠢蠢欲动,在各地布下天罗地网,欲抢夺“佛骨舍利”,并威胁着裴伦德与小伍的性命。