回复 :Man runs with hand in front of face away from explosion as seen on Against The Elements (DCL)Against the Elements reveals the science behind the most heart-stopping natural disasters ever captured on camera.Discovery Channel’s groundbreaking forensic investigations reveal what caused these catastrophes and what we've learned from past disasters to protect us in the future.We'll meet the people who survived against overwhelming odds and we'll talk to scientists and experts who've dedicated their lives to understanding these amazing natural phenomena.The forces of earth, water, wind and fire impact us all every day ... sometimes benignly, sometimes deadly. And it's in that instant, that moment when ordinary weather turns extraordinary, that we realise life is an ongoing battle ... Against the Elements.
回复 :本系列是创新的科学特备节目,透过互动实验和各种小技巧,展现我们的大脑如何创造现实幻觉。这些令人兴奋和具有启发性的实验,能让我们一窥大脑的内部运作,而世界顶尖的专家会解释他们工作的内容及原因。我们也会在高科技实验室探索最新科学,与绝顶聪明的人物见面。
回复 :讲述少年少女驾驶「有人驾驶的无人机」于「不存在的第86区」奋战,少年「辛」,与透过特殊通信指挥作战的指挥管制官少女「蕾娜」壮烈而悲伤的战斗与离别的故事。