回复 :14-year-old Jimmy (played by Tyrell Williams) practices kung fu. For the lion dance, which is performed out on the streets, he is determined to hold the head of the lion. But when his teacher, the sifu, announces the new crew, his dream comes crashing down. He has to make do with the tail end, while the talented newcomer Li Jié (Haye Lee) is given the coveted place. Jimmy does all he can to become number one and earn his place up front with the head. But this means he has to defeat a number of annoying bullies, convince the sifu of his qualities and, especially, overcome himself.Williams, a former Dutch karate champion and Lee, a kung fu practitioner, jump and kick in their first feature film. Kung fu leeuw is an exciting film for young people about the challenges of growing up – which are easier to face when you’re armed with the wisdom of the martial arts. Filmmaker Froukje Tan uses Rotterdam as the backdrop for the lion dance, highlighting the less obvious traditions of the city.Previously, Froukje Tan made the feature films Swchwrm (2012) and Links (2008), and the short Het jongetje dat niemand verstond (2002).
回复 :本片描述了日本浮世绘大师葛饰北斋多姿多彩的一生。贫民出身的铁藏(绪形拳 饰)少年时成为磨镜师中岛伊势(フランキー堺 饰)的继子,后因迷恋绘画而拜师学画,却被数个师傅驱逐。后与养父闹翻,和女儿阿荣(田中裕子 饰)寄居在武士出身却酷爱写作的好友佐七(西田敏行 饰)家里。铁藏雨中邂逅谜样美女阿直(樋口可南子 饰),与之堕入情网,从此迷上春宫画,竟大受欢迎。养父迷恋阿直不得,自杀。阿直亦不辞而别,铁藏人生跌入低谷。困顿之际阿荣和佐七(后来的文学巨匠 龙泽马琴)帮铁藏渡过难关。四海云游的铁藏绘出“富狱三十六景”等名作。女儿阿荣则在七十岁之际嫁给八十二岁的佐七。独自一人的铁藏在失明的情况下画出最后的名作——“喜能会之故真道”。
回复 :aaa黄刑警与伍刑警合作追查犯罪组织,两人不畏恶势力潜入组织,但不幸伍刑警因公殉职,上层担心过于执着与激烈个性的黄刑警做出危险的行动,因而将他被调到贩卖人中案件,与女刑警美玉合作办案.......