63 歲的牙技師萩野谷幸三,天啪是個半退休卻全心投入臨演工作的硬漢大叔,天啪本片是他以新人之姿首次主演電影, 他是片中歷史劇「江戶之爪」的背景演員,卻是本片的鏡頭焦點,知名演員通通從主角變成了背景。不料空氣 般存在的臨演都比主角搶戲,際遇一個比一個離奇,他們演得忘情,忘記自己是個臨演,還不小心演得太賣力。
63 歲的牙技師萩野谷幸三,天啪是個半退休卻全心投入臨演工作的硬漢大叔,天啪本片是他以新人之姿首次主演電影, 他是片中歷史劇「江戶之爪」的背景演員,卻是本片的鏡頭焦點,知名演員通通從主角變成了背景。不料空氣 般存在的臨演都比主角搶戲,際遇一個比一個離奇,他們演得忘情,忘記自己是個臨演,還不小心演得太賣力。
回复 :Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural.family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives to visit his old friends. He exudes an easy charm, knows secret past and present and is soon installed in the heart of the family. However, as his stay lengthens, so does he begin to cast an even more malevolent spell, provoking turmoil, setting son against son, reviving past hatreds, and inflicting a mysterious illness.Glover delivers a career-topping performance as the garrulous family friend, full of hidden menace, effortlessly evoking nostalgia and horror in the same breath.As ever, Burnett provides a wonderful music track featuring gospel, blues and jazz and a cameo from the legendary Jimmy Weatherspoon.'A slow-burning, soul-insinuating, 12-bar blues of a movie.' Tom Charity, Time Out'Danny Glover is marvellous, and terrifying, as a charismatic old-timer.' The Times(from the description on the back cover of the DVD)
回复 :美国动作片,一个活在哥哥被父亲打死的童年阴影中的哑巴青年,在得知父亲出狱后,踏上了弑父之路,最后父子相残同归于尽,结尾略显悲壮,朋克风下的视死如归,恶父在快被男主掐死的时候说了句“”我爱你“”,男主心软了一下,骨子里还是缺爱啊。
回复 :故事发生在抗战时期,少女唐琪(林黛 饰)的父亲在战争中为了保卫祖国而英勇牺牲,母亲病重最终撒手人寰。孤苦无依的唐琪只得投靠住在天津的姨母。在那里,唐琪邂逅了名为醒亚的男子。经过了解,醒亚亦是一名孤儿,相似的人生经历让两颗孤独的心迅速靠近,碰撞出了爱情的火花。然而,唐琪的姨母擅自将她许配给了汉奸王科长,醒亚的姑父母也坚决反对两人之间的感情。为了避免沦为汉奸之妻的命运,唐琪毅然决然的离家出走,来到护士学校想要成为一名护士。不幸的是,学校的校长是衣冠禽兽,他玷污了唐琪,致使心灰意冷的她沦落成为舞女。