回复 :Aki and Naoko are childhood friends who are drifting apart as adults. Immersed in her family life, Naoko now has a husband and daughter; Aki, on the other hand, remains single and is on leave from work due to a personal crisis. The plot might sound familiar but it has never been told like this. The director Kusano Natsuka stages the interactions through an actors’ table-read and, as the lines are repeated, the scenes gradually develop into on-location conversations. Moreover, she repositions the dramatic peak of the story to the beginning: Aki has murdered Naoko’s daughter.Structurally inventive, Kusano's daring cinema implements ‘distantiation’ effects to get to the heart of friendship issues at times when life has settled. While the repetitions convey the suffocation of role patterns in both friendship and family, a line left out or added in unsettles and reminds us life can take unexpected turns.
回复 :1945年,为彻底击溃妄图扭转战局的日军,中共中央南方局派王文渊前往湘西战场。王文渊潜入日军核心机要部门盗取了日军作战计划情报,同时还发现了日军试图暗杀中国守军高级将领的“蝙蝠计划”。为阻止日军阴谋,王文渊只身进入重庆,与日本特工波田久雄展开生死对决,为赢得抗战胜利立下战功。抗战胜利后,国民党悍然挑起内战,却遭遇覆灭的下场。国民党军官宋永峥奉命留在贵州,寻机对贵州展开一系列破坏行动。王文渊针锋相对,粉碎了宋永峥的阴谋。宋永峥不甘失败,纠集一伙山匪四处破坏,伺机反攻。为彻底消灭匪帮,赢得全国的解放,王文渊率部进山剿匪,与宋永峥展开了一场殊死搏斗。
回复 :电视系列片"行星地球"(2006)的电影版本,拍摄了几个动物家庭的迁徙路线。一部由英国BBC和德国联合制作的关于地球、大自然的纪录片,用了将近3年的时间,通过对地球生命的神秘实录,通过表现大自然美丽景象与野生动物纯粹的生死之搏的真实纪录,再配合柏林爱乐乐团的美妙配乐,将地球的魅力在大银幕上毫无保留的完美呈现出来,旨在呼吁人们保护环境。由阿拉斯泰尔·福斯基尔(Alastair Forthergill)和他的团队穿越7大洲、62个国家、用45部摄像机耗费5年时间精心制作的纪录片,向我们展现了全球变暖时代动物的迁徙和生活的改变,大自然的宏伟壮观、生命的脆弱和坚强、变迁的无常。整部影片的场面和音乐从头至尾都让我们深深震撼……2007年10月法国上映。