回复 :阿隆扮演男主塞尔希奥·西斯卡,他在未成年时弑杀双亲,6 年后从监狱刑满释放。在这段时间里,塞尔希奥没有说过一句话,也没有与司法系统合作,所以他的犯罪动机和意图至今为止都是一个谜。年轻的精神科医生安娜·迪塞尔和她的团队负责判断他对社会的潜在危险,他们日夜监视他,就像观察动物一样。
回复 :After finding out their babies were switched at birth, two women develop a plan to adjust to their new lives creating a single and very peculiar family.
回复 :Radio 4 Today Presenter and the BBC’s former political editor Nick Robinson presents an authoritative and impartial two-part series exploring the turbulent history of the UK’s relationship with 'Europe' - the Common Market, the EEC and now the EU.