回复 :A story about four children living in a Mumbai slum in India. An eight-year old Kanhu writes a letter to the Prime Minister after a dramatic incident with his mother. A small boy has to achieve the impossible.
回复 :Based on a true story dating back to 1985 when two Polish boys, a teenager and his little brother, escaped from communist Poland all the way to Sweden, hidden under a truck. In the movie, their destination has been changed to Denmark.
回复 :影片讲述了明朝年间,东厂督主高德海与锦衣卫镇抚使严烈率领舰队秘密出行东海,在暴风险境与蛟龙袭击中,幸得鲛人汐音相救,一行人误打误撞登上如梦如幻的蓬莱仙岛,高德海被岛上宝物利欲熏心,而严烈与天真善良的汐音则在与黑暗势力对抗的过程中慢慢互生情愫……