回复 :约翰·达顿是达顿家族的一家之长,坐拥着美国最大的牧场,与牧场毗邻的有美国首个国家公园、印第安人保留地以及土地开发商买下的地皮。在一次因牲畜误入印第安人保留地引起的争端中,不幸的意外伤亡事件发生,一场涉及多方的争端在蒙大拿州这片美丽的土地上拉开了序幕。
回复 :来自加利福尼亚圣巴巴拉的佩顿·霍巴特是一名出身富家的学生,他自七岁起就知道自己要成为美国总统。但是,他首先得度过最危险的政治难关:圣塞巴斯蒂安高校。为了当选学生会主席,赢得自己在哈佛的一席之地,并且坚持走自己非凡的成功之路,佩顿必须智胜那些不留情面的同学,而且还不能牺牲自己的道德和精心塑造的形象。
回复 :Home from their honeymoon, the Kirbridges settle into their home in Greenwich. Their staff will consist of Rose as maid, on loan from Eaton Place, a crabby Mrs. Fellows as cook, and a Welshman named Thomas Watkins as manservant/everything else. Thomas has an unsettling gaze and seems a bit suspicious, but Rose fancies him anyway.The newlyweds don't seem very happy and their personalities are changing, getting their marriage off to a rocky start. Lawrence displays bouts of immaturity with a nasty, even cruel, demeanor. He prefers to socialize without Elizabeth, sometimes sneaking out after she's in bed, and comes home very late. His behavior is upsetting, giving Lizzie second thoughts about their marriage.