日本Bobby is called to defend his close friend, Scott Wallace, who is accused of killing his wife, and becomes overly involved in the case. Helen is concerned Richard has crossed the line in the case, when a witness coached by him lies on the stand.
日本Bobby is called to defend his close friend, Scott Wallace, who is accused of killing his wife, and becomes overly involved in the case. Helen is concerned Richard has crossed the line in the case, when a witness coached by him lies on the stand.
回复 :有“警察中的警察”之称的监察官,职责是管制警察内部的一切不正之风,是警察最忌讳的职务。其中,有一名监察官,不仅是警察,连事件调查也作为监察对象。这个人就是“被讨厌的监察官”音无一六(小日向文世饰)。在警视厅警务部部长千住辽子(田中美佐子饰)的指示下,音无一六坚持自己的正义,无论如何被人讨厌也要尽好自己的职责,以敏锐的观察力,挑战无数的疑难案件。@哦撸马(阿点)
回复 :平凡少女申雨菲是个小透明,虽然就职名企,却是个实实在在的穷人。为了还清家人开店欠下的贷款,在富二代闺蜜的怂恿下,打扮成性感放浪的女人替闺蜜搞砸家里安排的相亲。可是使尽浑身解数不仅没能吓跑相亲对象,反而撩到了自己公司的总裁,现在还被这个浑身发光的男人逼着结婚?
回复 :This is a programme about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.