回复 :Every little detail is captured on the grain (and in 4K) in a film where the diverse wildlife around a single oak tree plays out like a daily drama of life and death. An audience favourite, and a huge nature experience.An oak tree is not just a tree. It is an ecosystem in itself, and a home to many different life forms at once. Featuring squirrels, herons, ants, deer and badgers, the French audience favourite ‘Heart of Oak’ unfolds the wonderful natural kingdom where everything is interconnected, from the roots to the crown. Starring an ancient oak tree – and with a camera that captures even the smallest detail – a daily drama of life and death unfolds as animals struggle for food, shelter and survival through the seasons. Shot in 4K, ‘Heart of Oak’ is a serious contender for the great nature experience of the year at the cinema. And by the way, the nearest oak tree is within cycling distance if you want to go and see for yourself after the film.
回复 :本片以轻松的风格,描述60年代英国作家Joe Orton璀璨而短暂的一生。这名出身寒微的穷小子,以蔑视一切既定规律的作风,摇身一变成新浪潮文化红人,可惜一段不伦之恋,却令这个神话终结
回复 :张扬敢拼的磊乐(郭富城 饰)与内敛善谋的南江(梁朝伟 饰),在因缘际会下携手,破除旧规,立威造势,在磊乐太太蔡真(杜鹃 饰)的斡旋下,成为黑白两道人人皆知的“双雄探长”,二人自此叱咤香港三十年。然而在表面的平静与制衡之下,火并、谋杀、背叛、夺权……暗流涌动,一触即发!