回复 :几位热爱打排球的年轻人——King(顾定轩饰)、Bobby(卢瀚霆饰)、阿柠(邱傲然饰)、方丈(柳应廷饰)、阿神(吕爵安饰)— 因为身高问题而被“翔鹰”排球队的教练放弃。他们偶然遇上排球梦碎的香港女子排球代表队的前队员蒋家瑜(邓丽欣饰),并以热血、活力再次唤醒家瑜的“排球魂”,令她成为香港男子排球史上第一位女教练。排球队其后招募新人加入,当中包括潜质优厚的鱼仔(陈卓贤饰)。四年间,家瑜和“力图”排球队一起经历各种考验,在挫折中互相成长。家瑜亦尝试走出当年因受伤而退队的阴影,重燃当职业排球员的梦想。当年被看不起的“力图”排球队,创造出一个又一个的“小传奇”,更从排球联赛的丙组,晋身成联赛甲组冠军!他们用行动告诉大家,“We are the Littles”(我们不高),但别小看我们!本剧创作灵感为香港男子排球队“力臻”由丙组联赛晋身至甲一联赛的故事。
回复 :A miracle independent film capturing the growth of a single baby over a period of 3 years.The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a letter from Michio's ex-girlfriend. They name the child "Don-chan" and embark on the journey of raising her, despite their initial confusion. Directed by OKITA Shuichi, known for films such as "A Story of Yonosuke” and “The Fish Tale”, the movie is a self-produced project featuring OKITA and his actor friends, documenting the life of his own daughter from 6 months to 3 and a half years old. Shot entirely with a handheld camera, the film captures the heartwarming moments of Don-chan's growth and the challenges faced by the three men in nurturing her. The film was also shot on location in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, where Ueda Eigeki, a local theater, recommends the movie. Don-chan's growth is complimented along with the picturesque scenery of Bessho Onsen and Sugadaira Kogen. The heartwarming world of OKITA Shuichi, where drama and reality coexist in a mysterious harmony, unfolds throughout the film. From a crying infant, Don-chan grows to a point where she can speak her lines, and everyone's affectionate watch over her brings warmth and comfort to the viewers.
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